The main purpose of obtaining a food or agriculture product approval certification from the ACS third-party certification body is to prove that the product complies with one of the international standards(Codex, AOAC), regional standards(North America, South America, European Union EC Codes, ASEAN, CANZUK, GSO’s, Eurasia), national standards(FDA, USDA, ANVISA Brazil, FSANZ Australia,...) or product requirements defined by a specific customer such as COSTCO, Walmart, Save on Food or SAFEWAY.
Sampling and testing at ILAC-ISO 17025 approved laboratories provide the foundation of food product certification. These technical food laboratories will conduct chemical and biological tests on the samples in accordance with ACS and product specifications, and then provide a detailed report to ACS. Our technical staff will review the results and test correlations before approving or disapproving the product. A non-conformities report will be provided to the applicant if the result does not conform to the standards. If the test results are approved, the manufacturing company/producer is granted a product certificate, and the ACS food product mark is provided to the holder.
The internationally recognized of the food or agriculture products,
The provide supporting documents and records by international accreditation laboratories test reports(ISO 17025-ILAC-IAF Accreditation laboratories),
Marketing and sales on a global scale, assuring product quality for clients and customers.
ACS uses accelerated learning techniques to make sure you fully understand all certificates. We put your learning into context with a diverse offering of classroom teaching, workshops, interactive and online sessions.
GMP – Requirements & Documentation
This course aims to teach the principles and practices of GMP requirements in the food industry.
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