Energy audit is a set of services for those enterprises and organizations that have made a decision to develop using an intensive course, decreasing irrational losses and upgrading production and management.
High-quality energy audit (energy inspection) is required in optimization of energy resources consumption, and if the increase of production energy efficiency is required.
Voluntary energy inspection is usually conducted by enterprises for the purposes of developing a business plan for implementation of energy service arrangements, which will lead to a significant decrease of energy resources losses, manufacturing energy efficiency improvement, and pollutant emissions abatement. Such business plan is appealing for investors and owners of enterprises, as it is aimed at sustainable development and expansion of business.
In performance of energy inspections and audits the following tasks are being solved:
- Analysis of the actual situation and energy efficiency, identification of energy loss causes, their classification and assessment;
- Determination of the rational amounts of energy consumption in production processes and units;
- Determination of appropriate directions, means and amounts of the use of primary and secondary energy resources;
- Assessment of energy saving reserves, i.e. energy-saving potential;
- Improvement of operating modes of processing and power-generating equipment;
- Development or detailing of fuel and energy resources consumption rates for product manufacturing;
- Organization or improvement of energy consumption accounting and control systems;
- Resolution of issues related to new equipment installation and production processes improvement;
- Compliance with legislation in respect of energy efficiency improvement;
- Development of bases for business planning of energy service arrangements and conditions for attraction of investments in upgrading of the enterprise’s energy supply.