W3 Solutionz, ACS USA provide personnel certification for the following professions.
- Quality Management System-ISO 9001 -QMS Lead Auditor.
- Environmental Management System-ISO 14001-EMS Lead Auditor.
- Food Safety Management System-ISO 22000-FSMS Lead Auditor.
- OHS Management System-ISO 45001-OHS Lead Auditor.
- Quality Management System-ISO 29001-QMS Auditor Course.
- OHS Management System-HSE-MS IOGP Auditor Course.
- Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice-ISO 22716 Lead Auditor.
- Technical Control Specialists, including technical control of product quality.
- ISMS -ISO 27001-ISMS Lead Auditor.
- Food safety system-HACCP Lead Auditor.
- Food safety system-AIR Catering Auditor.
- Safer Food Better Business-SFBB Auditor.
- Specialists and Managers for equipment reliability.
- Inspectors, Engineers, Controllers, including Inspectors of protective coverings, Specialists in nondestructive inspection.
- Specialists (including Experts, Experts-Auditors) in assessment (confirmation) of product conformity.
- Specialists in catering and hospitality industry, including Pastry Chefs, Cooks, Sommelier, Head of food enterprise.
Benefits of personnel certification
- Opportunity to receive an independent quality assessment of employees’ training, level of competence, professional aptitude,
- Continual monitoring of personnel competence,
- Positive image formation,
- Opportunity to demonstrate business partners your qualification reliability,
- Recognition of personnel qualification and competence within the frameworks of global economics integration processes,
- Compliance with the requirements of international labor markets,
- Provision of psychological comfort to personnel and its motivation,
- Increase in care and respect for corporate employees,
- Increase in the demand and “price” for professionals in the labor market.