The Nuts-free certificate is based on sampling and testing in ILAC-ISO 17025 accredited laboratories. These technical food laboratories will perform tests on the samples according to ACS and product requirements and will submit a complete report of the tests to ACS. Our technical team will approve or disapprove the product by reviewing the results and testing comparisons. If the result does not comply with the requirements, a non-conformities report will provide to the applicant. If the test results are confirmed, a nuts-free certificate is issued to the manufacturing company /producer, and then the Nuts-free product logo is awarded to the holder.
BENEFITS OF NUTS-FREE CERTIFICATION FROM ACS USA There are many types of nuts and you or your child may be sensitive to one or more of them. 30% (1 in 3) of nuts allergic people will react to more than one type of nuts. The food industry is in a position to protect the public from harm by working to understand allergens, monitor product ingredients, and prevent unwanted cross-contamination. Products that have been certified by ACS, will receive a nuts-free symbol on the products.ACS uses accelerated learning techniques to make sure you fully understand all certificates. We put your learning into context with a diverse offering of classroom teaching, workshops, interactive and online sessions.
GMP – Requirements & Documentation
This course aims to teach the principles and practices of GMP requirements in the food industry.
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