The main context in the natural cosmetic subject is the correct definition of NATURAL. NATURAL in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "existing in nature and not made or caused by people, coming from nature, not having any extra substances or chemicals added, not containing anything artificial."
The common word used in defining natural is artificial. The definition of artificial is "not natural or real: made, produced, or done to seem like something natural: not happening or existing naturally"
The definition of Natural Cosmetics accepted by ACS cosmetic experts
Natural cosmetic is a cosmetic that contains at least 95% natural ingredients. It means no heavy metals, no chemical substances, or petroleum/oil derivation.
CNN reported natural attention in USA "The worldwide trend of natural skincare has grown in popularity in recent years, and USA is leading the way. Consumers are moving away from products that contain harsh chemicals and are instead looking to source natural, plant-based solutions to common skincare issues. Blessed as we are with natural resources that encompass the arctic tundra, freshwater lakes, clean mountain air, and ancient boreal forests, USA is well situated to produce some of the best organic and natural skincare brands."
The basis of natural cosmetic certification is sampling and testing in ILAC-ISO 17025 accreditation laboratories. These technical cosmetic laboratories will perform tests on the samples according to ACS and product requirements and will submit a complete report of the tests to ACS. Our technical team will approve or disapprove the product by reviewing the results and testing comparisons. If the result does not comply with natural requirements, a non-conformities report will be provided to the applicant. If the test results are confirmed a natural certificate is issued to the manufacturing company /producer and then the natural product logo is awarded to the holder.
The internationally recognized your natural products,
They provide supporting documents and records by international accreditation laboratories test reports(ISO 17025-ILAC-IAF Accreditation laboratories), Worldwide marketing and sales, Ensuring the quality of natural products to clients and consumers.ACS uses accelerated learning techniques to make sure you fully understand all certificates. We put your learning into context with a diverse offering of classroom teaching, workshops, interactive and online sessions.
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